Articles Tagged with family lawyer

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In the realm of celebrity divorces, Halle Berry’s recent settlement with ex-husband Olivier Martinez offers some interesting insights, especially for high-income mothers in Greensboro facing similar circumstances. As Greensboro divorce attorneys, we observe such high-profile cases not just for their star power, but for the legal precedents and insights they offer.

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Deciding to relocate with children is not always easy, as numerous factors must be considered. Divorced, separated, or unmarried parents with custody orders have additional considerations they must think about both before and after they move. Continue reading →

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The recent announcement of Noel Gallagher and Sara MacDonald’s divorce has captured the attention of fans and media alike. Their separation after over two decades together is not just a headline; it mirrors a scenario in which many couples, particularly in their 50s, find themselves. This blog explores their story and offers insights from a Greensboro divorce lawyer into the universal challenges of navigating relationships through midlife transitions. Continue reading →

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When parents are divorced or no longer together, child support is a way for the non-custodial parent to contribute to the reasonable needs of the child. It may seem relatively straightforward, and in many cases it is. However, child support can become a complex issue because so many factors are used to determine the arrangements.

Factors in Child Support Determinations

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Establishing legal parenthood is simple for married couples. According to North Carolina law, when a married couple has a baby, both parents are considered the legal parents by default. For unmarried parents, establishing paternity can take a little more effort. Continue reading →

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Divorce can be a challenging time, especially when children are involved. One of the most complex aspects of ending a marriage is determining custody and visitation rights. The case of Davidson v. Tuttle, 2022-NCCOA-622 offers a window into the intricate nature of these decisions and how they can change over time. Continue reading →

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Either party in a divorce can request equitable distribution, but that request must be made before the divorce is final.[1]

Equitable distribution is the process in which the court determines how best to divide the spouses’ assets and debts, specifically their marital property and divisible property.[2] This is often a preferred method when there are significant assets, numerous financial accounts, or multiple pieces of real property. Continue reading →

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Child custody and child support are two separate matters,[1] but that doesn’t mean that one cannot impact the other. Custody frequently impacts support since the amount of time the child spends with each parent is a factor in calculating child support obligations. However, many parents wonder if failure to pay child support means visitation can be withheld.

The parent that receives child support cannot legally deny the other parent visitation with the child if they fail to make the ordered support payments.[2] The payee spouse can file a Motion for Order to Show Cause, which allows them to ask the court to hold the other parent in contempt for violating the court order. Continue reading →

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Custody orders are not required for parents who are not together, but many choose to obtain a court order when they cannot agree on custody, visitation, and other issues related to raising their child. Without a court-issued custody order, the legal parents share equal rights.[1] Continue reading →

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In a move aimed at simplifying and expediting the divorce process, Maryland is implementing a no-fault divorce law, set to take effect soon. The state’s General Assembly passed this significant measure on April 7, and it was signed into law by Governor Wes Moore on May 16.

This new legislation is expected to have a substantial impact on divorce proceedings in Maryland. Notably, it will reduce the time and financial resources typically required for the legal process, making it more accessible and less burdensome for individuals seeking divorce. One of the key changes is the elimination of court-supervised “limited divorces” during child custody battles, streamlining the process further. Continue reading →