Articles Posted in ClientVille

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When requesting a modification to spousal support, the requesting party must show that there has been a substantial change in circumstances to warrant an adjustment. A spouse paying support may believe that a decrease in their income is sufficient to establish a change in circumstances, but do North Carolina courts agree? Continue reading →

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Legal custody and physical custody are not the same thing. While both are brought up in North Carolina custody cases, they deal with two different aspects of parenting. Physical custody applies to the parent that has the child in their care. Essentially, the parent with whom a child lives most of the time has physical custody. Legal custody carries the right and responsibility to decide on important matters for a child’s welfare and best interest. Continue reading →

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North Carolina General Statutes outline several factors that courts should consider when determining if alimony is appropriate in a divorce case and how much support should be awarded. Income, length of the marriage, the health of the spouses, the expenses of the dependent spouse, and various other elements are used to determine alimony. Continue reading →

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North Carolina courts consider certain acts of marital misconduct when ruling on issues like spousal support and alimony. If a dependent spouse is found to have engaged in illicit sexual behavior during the marriage, the court may not award alimony. There are exceptions to this, such as if the other spouse granted permission or if both spouses had affairs, but this is the general rule courts follow when ruling on alimony in North Carolina. Continue reading →

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A spouse may be required to pay their spouse’s attorney fees in a North Carolina divorce. There are various situations in which this could occur, such as if one spouse filed a frivolous action. Attorney fees may also be awarded if the spouse requesting attorney fees does so in good faith and does not have the means to cover the costs. Continue reading →

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On a national level, the number of marriages has begun to increase after taking a dive in the couple of years following the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though more people may be getting married now, there are still a significant number of unmarried couples who live together in North Carolina. If you are unmarried, does North Carolina allow a lesser-earning or dependent partner to receive alimony or to seek equitable distribution during a breakup? Continue reading →

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As part of the North Carolina divorce process, spouses often have assets that need to be divided between them. Equitable distribution is an option if one or both spouses request it, and it is the process by which the court will divide the property in a way that is equitable but not always equal. Continue reading →

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Parents and guardians who wish to change their child custody order typically must file a motion to modify. Additionally, the parent who files the motion, sometimes referred to as the moving party, must prove that there has been a substantial change in circumstances that impacts the child’s wellbeing.

Can a trial court choose to modify a custody order even when neither parent has filed a motion to modify? Not generally, but a recent Court of Appeals case highlighted a specific scenario in which this might occur. Continue reading →

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Spousal support can be awarded in North Carolina divorces if the court determines that such payments are necessary for the maintenance of a lesser-earning or dependent spouse. The terms of support vary from case to case, but the court may award payments for a set or indefinite period of time. Continue reading →

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When awarding spousal support in North Carolina, courts must look at various factors to determine not just if support is appropriate but also how much to award and for how long. Continue reading →