Articles Tagged with custody lawyer

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In North Carolina, the courts determine child custody based on the best interests of the child. If a child is taken from their biological parents or legal guardians, there are often reunification procedures in place. However, reunification is not always included in permanency planning orders.

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North Carolina allows divorcing parents to agree on their own terms for child support payments, but more often parents rely on the court to make a determination. Continue reading →

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Child custody orders are court-issued documents that require parents to adhere to a set of provisions regarding custody and visitation. For many parents, understanding the legal terminology included in these orders can be challenging, especially when the provisions are vague or open to more than one interpretation. Ideally, court orders would be written simply and clearly, but that is not always the case. Continue reading →

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When a North Carolina court enters a child custody order, each parent is required to follow the terms of the order. Most parents understand that violating the basic custody and visitation requirements could get them into trouble.

For example, there may be serious consequences if one parent refuses to return the child at the end of their visitation. This is a rare situation, though, and it is often the provisions that are considered less important that parents ignore or forget about. Continue reading →

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Jackson v. Jackson, 2021-NCCOA-614 (2021)

  1. Facts: Mother and Father had an unincorporated child support agreement for their three children. Custody was shared between the parties. Later, one child aged out. Mother then relocated, and one child moved with her. The other remaining minor child moved in with Father. For this period, Father sought temporary child support and termination of his previous child support obligation because of the change in custody situation. Mother then filed a breach of contract for Father’s lowering and subsequent cessation of child support payments. At trial the court considered Father’s bonuses and commissions as part of his income. His base salary was $58,000, but he testified that he expected to get commissions even though he had not yet received any. The court found that father’s income was $71,000 annually.

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The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) is used to determine which state should have jurisdiction in interstate custody cases. It is a uniform law, which means it was written with the intention and hope that each state would adopt it and create uniformity across the country. Continue reading →

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Child custody orders in North Carolina are binding, and both parents must abide by the terms to avoid facing legal consequences. Despite this, it is possible to modify an order if there has been a change in the circumstances of either party and if the modification is in the best interest of the child. How does a judge weigh these two considerations, and does one factor need to be proven before the other? Continue reading →

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Deciding to relocate with children is not always easy, as numerous factors must be considered. Divorced, separated, or unmarried parents with custody orders have additional considerations they must think about both before and after they move. Continue reading →

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Divorce can be a challenging time, especially when children are involved. One of the most complex aspects of ending a marriage is determining custody and visitation rights. The case of Davidson v. Tuttle, 2022-NCCOA-622 offers a window into the intricate nature of these decisions and how they can change over time. Continue reading →

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Child custody and child support are two separate matters,[1] but that doesn’t mean that one cannot impact the other. Custody frequently impacts support since the amount of time the child spends with each parent is a factor in calculating child support obligations. However, many parents wonder if failure to pay child support means visitation can be withheld.

The parent that receives child support cannot legally deny the other parent visitation with the child if they fail to make the ordered support payments.[2] The payee spouse can file a Motion for Order to Show Cause, which allows them to ask the court to hold the other parent in contempt for violating the court order. Continue reading →