
Articles Posted in ClientVille


How Do North Carolina Courts Resolve Matters Across State Lines?

The US Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit Clause[1] requires states to honor certain orders from other states, including divorces, child custody, and spousal support. However, not every family law matter is straightforward, and moving to North Carolina from out-of-state may present some challenges and unexpected changes. North Carolina and Divorce…


What Behaviors Qualify for a Domestic Violence Protective Order?

Domestic violence comes in many forms. If your partner or spouse has made you feel unsafe, you may be able to get a Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO). North Carolina provides a relatively broad categorization of behaviors that could warrant a DVPO. This article offers general information about acts that…


Divorce and Depression: A Look at Celebrity Trainer Chris Powell’s Story

The American Psychological Association (APA) estimates around 50% of marriages end in divorce. With divorce likely to affect an individual’s mental well-being, many people experience depression and other forms of psychological distress during and post-divorce. When the divorce is public, as it can be with celebrity couples, the depression may…


Exploring the Impact of Depression on Marital Stability: Insights from a Long-Term Study

Marriage is a journey filled with its own ups and downs. When a partner struggles with depression, these waves can feel overwhelming. A revealing 16-year study from Norway, involving over 20,000 couples, provides insightful observations on how mental distress, particularly depression, can sway the path of a marriage. This knowledge…


Divorce and Who Can Claim Minor Children on Tax Returns

The financial impact of a divorce is often one of the longest-lasting challenges that families will face. Divorces can be expensive, even without the changes in household income and bills. This is especially true for divorced couples with children. The way divorced parents approach filing their taxes each year is…


How is Child Support Determined in a Divorce?

North Carolina allows divorcing parents to agree on their own terms for child support payments, but more often parents rely on the court to make a determination. Calculating Child Support in North Carolina The state has guidelines to determine the amount of support based on the financial situation of each…


Misunderstanding a Custody Order Can Lead to Contempt

Child custody orders are court-issued documents that require parents to adhere to a set of provisions regarding custody and visitation. For many parents, understanding the legal terminology included in these orders can be challenging, especially when the provisions are vague or open to more than one interpretation. Ideally, court orders…


Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Among great American heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stands out. As a powerful orator, King’s words defined a generation. His legacy includes some of the most significant speeches in American history. Famous Speech with North Carolina Roots “I Have a Dream,” delivered on August 28, 1963, on the steps…


Can a Parent be Held in Contempt for Violating Any Custody Order Provision?

When a North Carolina court enters a child custody order, each parent is required to follow the terms of the order. Most parents understand that violating the basic custody and visitation requirements could get them into trouble. For example, there may be serious consequences if one parent refuses to return…


Separation Agreements and Spousal Support

Meeker v. Meeker, 2024-NCCOA-______ (2024). Facts:   Husband and Wife married in 1982 and had two children. They separated in 2009 and finalized their divorce in May 2011. During their separation, they entered into a separation agreement, stating that Husband would pay Wife $7,577.78 per month in spousal support until 2025,…

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