
Articles Posted in child custody


Our Family Wizard and Other Co-Parenting Apps

Our Family Wizard (OFW) is one of many comprehensive co-parenting communication and organization platforms designed to support families going through divorce or separation. It serves as a centralized hub for parents to manage various aspects of co-parenting, ensuring smoother and more efficient cooperation while prioritizing the best interests of their…


Complex Family Dynamics: Custody Matters Involving Grandparents, Stepparents, and Abusive Households

Few family law matters are as contentious as child custody or as distressing as child abuse. Custody battles between biological parents can become intense as parties sometimes passionately disagree about what’s best for their child. These disputes increase in complexity when third parties seek custody due to parental neglect or…


Do Grandparents Have Custody Rights in North Carolina?

Stable and supportive environments are crucial to a child’s health and well-being. Having healthy relationships with their primary caregivers is also vital, as these relationships impact every part of their development.1 Grandparents often have established relationships with their grandchildren and volunteer to help with the many demands of raising a…


Civil Contempt V. Criminal Contempt in NC Child Custody Cases

North Carolina does not require that unmarried or divorcing parents get a custody order.[1] When a mother or father has the designation of a legal parent, they both have the same rights when there is no order in place. Legal parent classification can be obtained in a number of ways,…


Therapy Records and Non-Consideration

JOHNSON V. LAWING, 2023-NCCOA-______ (2023) When a minor child in the middle of a custody case attends therapy, sometimes those treatment records contain relevant and important facts that may aid a court in making a custody determination. However, not every case in which the child attends therapy means that the…


What Does a Parenting Coordinator Do in North Carolina?

Divorce and child custody proceedings are often adversarial and challenging processes. With cases that involve high stakes and emotions, courts may decide to appoint a parenting coordinator. What is a Parenting Coordinator? A parenting coordinator is an impartial third party who helps in high-conflict cases[1]. The coordinator has the authority…


Custody Orders Involving Military Servicemembers

Military families face challenges that civilian-only families do not, and navigating family law matters is especially difficult when servicemembers are involved. How do North Carolina courts determine child custody when deployment is a possibility? It depends heavily on the individual circumstances, but here is a brief overview of relevant guidelines.…


North Carolina Requirements for Modifying Child Custody

Child custody is often a highly contentious topic in family law because of both parents’ and guardians’ strong desires to spend as much time as possible with their child. If you currently have a permanent custody order in place, you may be able to have it amended. However, while it…


Child Support Guidelines

Child support is an important aspect of providing for the needs of a child after a separation or divorce. It is essential for both parents to contribute to the financial needs of the child, and the state of North Carolina has established guidelines for determining the amount of child support…


Extraordinary Expenses in Child Support

In most cases here in North Carolina, child support has been reduced to an equation based upon guidelines that have been approved by the state. It is much like filing taxes—there are inputs for each parent’s income, the number of children, and the custodial schedule. Schedules are then used to…

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